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此栏目定期精选国外有关产品和运营的文章,并加以独家翻译,希望带给你一些新的视角。 来源:http://larahogan.me 翻译者:王海湾
  如何和员工做1对1,是个很有意思的HR管理上的问题,产品、运营领域发展很快,其实我们队1对1的上下属之间的沟通还是太少,而且缺乏技巧,这篇文章提出了几条很重要的思考方向,这样有助于和员工之间的沟通。   Questions for our first 1:1 第一次和员工“1对1”,该问哪些问题   In the last few years, I’ve had the pleasure of kicking off lots of new reporting relationships with both engineers and engineering managers. Over time, I’ve learned that getting some particular data during an initial 1:1 can be really helpful, as I can refer back to the answers as I need to give a person feedback, recognize them, and find creative ways to support them. Most of these I’ve stolen from some really amazing Etsy coworkers. 在过去的几年里,我特别开心能和我的工程师和工程经理建立起全新的汇报关系。在这段时间里,我懂得了和员工“1对1”交流是多么重要,因为当我需要给一个人反馈和认可,甚至需要新方法激励他们的时候,我可以直接从这个人的回答中找到依据和参考。以下内容便是我从了Etsy同事那里窃取的宝典。   I usually keep an Evernote file for each person I manage, and the answers to these questions start that doc. This is a high-level list, but I usually add a little color to each when I’m in the room. Also: it’s never too late to ask these. Just tee them up with, “I’d like to ask you some cheesy questions to help me better-support you.” 我在印象笔记里给我每一个员工建立了一个笔记,笔记里记录了员工对这些问题的回答。其实这些问题都是挺严肃的,但是我会自己给每个问题加点儿花样。另外,这些问题什么时候问都不算晚。但是你一定要在开始前表达出:“咱们坐下来随便聊聊,好让我以后更好地支持你工作”。

Grumpiness 暴躁

  • What makes you grumpy?
  • 通常什么事儿会激恼你,使你暴躁?
  • How will I know when you’re grumpy?
  • 我怎么能知道到你已经暴躁了?
  • How can I help you when you’re grumpy?
  • 你暴躁的时候,我该怎么做?
I flat out stole that first question from Mike Brittain. He asked me that during our first-ever 1:1 when I started at Etsy in 2013. He said he’d never asked it before. I don’t believe him; it’s SUCH a great question. “Grumpy” is shorthand for so much stuff, but it still keeps the question light and funny and easier to answer. 这第一组问题,我是直接从麦克·布利泰恩那里抄过来的,这是2013年我刚加入Esty时,我们第一次“1对1”交谈时他问过我的问题。但现在他说他从来没问过这些问题,我才不信呢,这些问题太赞了。“暴躁”这个词成功地概括了很多内容,同时让这个问题听起来轻松、有趣,还容易回答。  

Feedback & Recognition 反馈与认可

  • How do you like feedback - the medium (IRC, email, in person, etc.)
  • 你如何看待别人给你反馈的途径?比如,更喜欢线上聊天、发邮件、还是当面说,等等。
  • How do you like feedback - routine like in 1:1s, or as-it-happens
  • 你如何看待别人给你反馈的时机?更倾向于单约出来一对一聊天,还是事情发生当时就给出反馈?
  • How do you prefer to receive recognition? (public or private)
  • 你更倾向于在什么场合听到别人对你的认可?是公共场合还是私下交流?
Have the answers to these questions WAY before you need them. Few things are harder than trying to give someone feedback; doing it in a way that you think they’ll be most able to hear it is invaluable. 你最好在你真正需要知道这些信息前,就把这些问题问了。没有几件事能比有效地提供反馈更难办,如果你自以为别人一定会听取你的反馈,那就大错特错了。   Also, knowing how someone wants to receive recognition helps to ensure they’re able to enjoy the moment rather than feel really uncomfortable. For example, for a big-deal promotion, I once gave an introverted direct report a handwritten congratulatory note and a loaf of banana bread—his favorite baked good—which he chose to share with his teammates. His celebration, his terms. 另外,你需要知道员工喜欢以什么方式得到认可,这样你才能确定他们在受到认可时会真的开心,而不是觉得别扭。比如有一次,我的直接汇报人得到了重要晋升,他是个内向的人,所以我手写了一段祝贺的话给他,还送他一大块香蕉面包。我知道这是他最喜欢的点心,因为他曾经在庆祝活动上和任期内给他的队友分发过。  

Goals and Support 目标与支持

  • What makes 1:1s the most valuable for you? 你觉得一对一交流对你最大的价值是什么?
  • What are your goals for this year? And for the next 3 months? 你今年的目标是什么?你接下来三个月的目标是什么?
  • What do you need from your manager?
  • 你需要你的领导给你提供些什么?
  • From your team? (this one is good if the 1:1 is with someone who manages people, but is typically relevant for IC’s, too)
  • 你需要你的团队给你提供些什么?(这个问题很有意义,尤其是当1对1的对象是团队领导人,但同时也和IC’s直接相关)
  • From your peers? (outside the team)
  • 你需要你团队以外的同事给你提供些什么?
I often ask follow-up questions to the answers to these questions, to help me really clarify and understand. 我通常还会在员工回答之后趁胜追击,继续刨根问底,这样我才能搞清楚他们的真实想法。  

The Wordy Question 一个冗长的问题

  • Human learning and growth requires the right amount of four things: new challenges, low ego, space to reflect and brainstorm, and timely and clear feedback. How are these four going for you? Is there one you need more or less of?
  • 人类的学习和成长一定需要适度的四个因素:新挑战,较低的自我意识,反思和脑力激荡的空间,及时且清晰的反馈。你觉得这四个部分在你自己身上是如何发挥作用的?哪项或者哪几项对你来说需要增加或者减少?
I only use this question if we get in the flow and it feels natural. I straight up ripped this one from the brilliant Learning and Development team at Etsy, originally created and led by . Hire her if you want to make your whole life better. 注意,只有在我们的聊天进入一种放松自然的状态时,我才会抛出这个问题。这个问题原本是帕洛玛·麦地那提出引入的,我就直接从Etsy出色的“学习发展”团队内部扒出来了。如果你想提升你整体的人生质量,你一定要雇用她(帕洛玛·麦地那)。  

The Most Important Question 最重要的问题

  • What’s your favorite baked good?
  • 你最喜欢的点心是什么?
This one is CRUCIAL. I have a long document full of coworkers’ favorite baked goods. You never know when you might need to congratulate or thank somebody in a special, meaningful way. (Mine is not donuts, btw. ;) 这个问题非常非常重要。我有一个长长的列表详细记录了所有我同事最爱的点心。因为你永远想不到,什么时候你就会需要用一种别致的方式来祝贺或感谢一个人。(p.s., 我最喜欢甜甜圈)   爱盈利-运营小咖秀 始终坚持研究分享移动互联网App运营推广经验、策略、全案、渠道等纯干货知识内容;是广大App运营从业者的知识启蒙、成长指导、进阶学习的集聚平台;

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